
Minutes Planning Committee 26 September 2022

Minutes Uploaded on October 15, 2022


Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning Committee held at

On Monday 26th September 2022 at 7.30pm

Present: Cllr Rymer, Cllr Hiscock, Cllr Ellis, Doric Tong, Shirley Pitman, Jennifer Grant, Barry Topping, Annie Bower. In attendance: The Clerk and 4 members of the public.

  1. Apologies for absence were received
  2. Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting on 11th August 2022. 1 member of the public was added to the attendance record. The minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting on 11th August 2022 were approved and signed.
  3. Declarations of Pecuniary Interests
  4. Comments from the Public or Press
  5. Planning Applications
    1. a)  SDNP/22/03389/FUL Thatchers Farm Warren Lane Detached dwelling following demolition of existing dwelling with associated landscaping together with the consolidation of the existing scrap yard business with associated landscaping. The Councillors were unable to reach a unanimous decision in the given consultation period. It was agreed to ask the District Councillor for the application to be considered by the SDNP Planning Committee.
    2. b)  SDNP/22/03249/HOUS Basingdene Bungalow Conversion of roof space to habitable accommodation – attached garage to replace existing – Single story extension. It was agreed to SUPPORT the application to request for the building materials to match the existing.
  6. Update on SDNP/22/03520/HOUS Lambing Shed Retrospective application for external lighting. Cllr Rymer informed the meeting that due to a time restraint the Parish Council considered the application. It had been resolved to OBJECT to the proposals.
  7. Update on Compliance Matters Cllr Rymer updated the committee on compliance matters.26 Sept 2022 Draft Minutes Planning Meeting