Planning Applications

Planning Applications


Proposal: Single storey extension to existing ancillary outbuilding

Location: Barrow Cottage , Bordean Lane, Bordean, Petersfield, Hampshire, GU32 1EP



Proposal: Two storey rear extension, detached annexe and garage, following demolition of single storey extensions to rear, existing garage, annexe and 3 outbuildings

Location: Bluebell Cottage, Broad Way, Froxfield Petersfield Hampshire GU32 1DT



Proposal: : Lawful Development Certificate Existing – continued use of land as residential curtilage.

Location: Bensgreen Farm , Blackmore Lane, Froxfield, Petersfield, Hampshire, GU32 1ED Eastings: 471559, Northings: 127314



Proposal: Replacement dwelling with associated landscaping together with the consolidation of the existing scrap yard business with associated landscaping

Location: Thatchers Farm , Warren Lane, Froxfield, Petersfield, Hampshire, GU32 1BJ Eastings: 472625, Northings: 128004

Proposal: Three self seeded sycamore trees – Fell. Yew Tree 1 – Crown Reduction – Existing height 8 metres, proposed height 8 metres. Existing spread 5 metres proposed spread 4 metres. Yew Tree 2 – Crown Reduction Existing height 6 metres, proposed height 6 metres. Existing spread 3 metres, proposed spread 2 metres. Reason: to restore the churchyard to it’s condition in 19 century.

Location: Holy Trinity Church Merepond Lane Privett Alton Hampshire GU34 3PE




Proposal: Change of use for the stationing of a temporary mobile home for a period of three years to be used in conjunction with the charcoal making and forestry business.

Location: Land North of Barnet Side Cottage, Barnet Side Lane, Froxfield, Petersfield, Hampshire. Eastings: 471131, Northings: 128558



Proposal: Discharge of condition 6 on Appeal Ref: SDNP/21/00059/REF

Location: Paddock View Petersfield Road Froxfield Petersfield Hampshire GU32 1BZ



Proposal:  Removal of conditions 6 and 7 and variation of condition 4 of 36315/001 to read as – “adequate space shall be provided within the site, for the loading, unloading and parking of vehicles to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority unless or until the parking and turning space approved under application 24/01295 has been provided in accordance with that permission and retained for that purpose”

Location: 4 Stoner Hill Cottages, Honeysuckle Cottage , Stoner Hill Road, Froxfield, Petersfield, Hampshire, GU32 1DX Eastings: 472883, Northings: 126015



Proposal: Replacement dwelling following demolition of existing dwelling and selected outbuildings (Self build exemption).

Location: Coleus Training & Boarding Kennels , Privett Road, Froxfield, Petersfield, Hampshire, GU32 1EF Eastings: 471152, Northings: 126660



Proposal: Variation of conditions 1,2 and 3 of applications F.21988/4, F.21988/5/ENF236, F21988/6/ENF237 allowed on appeal T/APP/C/90/M1710/6-7/P6 and T/APP/M1710/A/90/159211/P6.

Location: Rings Green Bungalow, High Cross Lane, Froxfield, Petersfield, Hampshire, GU32 1EA Eastings: 472318, Northings: 126796



Location: Froxfield Primary School High Cross Lane, Froxfield, GU32 1EG

Proposal: Lawful development certificate proposed – small extension to the school

Location: Froxfield Primary School, High Cross Lane, Froxfield, Petersfield Hampshire, GU32 1EGProposal: Lawful Development Certificate – small extension to the school


Location: The Old Granary , Alexanders Lane, Privett, Alton, Hampshire, GU34 3PW  Eastings: 469967, Northings: 128144

Proposal: Listed building consent – Opening up of the existing dividing wall between kitchen and dining room. Infill existing doorway. Remove existing non original corner steps into kitchen. Construct new steps in line with the new door opening. Replacement boiler. Replace existing kitchen fittings. Add new log burner and associated flue to first floor living room.



Location: Land And Farm Building South Of , Gosport Road, Privett, Alton, Hampshire, GU34 3NX Eastings: 465965, Northings: 127551

Proposal: Lawful development certificate proposed – use of land as agriculture.



Location: Lupton Cottage , Cockshott Lane, Froxfield, Petersfield, Hampshire, GU32 1BB Eastings: 473325, Northings: 126791

Proposal: Extension to first floor, extension to proch, glazed pergola, replacement windows and doors, extensions to existing garage to provide office/study and open sided car port and detached bike and tractor store.



Location: 4 Stoner Hill Cottages, Honeysuckle Cottage , Stoner Hill Road, Froxfield, Petersfield, Hampshire, GU32 1DX

Proposal: Change of use of equestrian land and building to provide parking and residential amenity space.


SDNP/21/01338/FUL and SDNP/22/00004/ENNOT

Location: Land adjacent to Quin Hay Farm, Petersfield Road, Froxfield, Petersfield, Hampshire GU32 1BZ

Subject of Appeal: Change of us of land for the creation of a single pitch traveller site comprising the siting of 1 mobile home and 1 touring caravan.

Appeal: Against Refusal.

Decision: Appeal allowed

Location: North Lodge Broadhanger King Lane Froxfield Petersfield Hampshire GU32 1DW
Proposal: Replacement of existing detached garage with new garage & workshop, with home office space in roof.
Location: Holy Trinity Church Merepond Lane Privett Alton Hampshire GU34 3PE
Proposal: Fell three Sycamore trees on the north-east corner of site (see S1, S1A, S1B on plan). Fell Ash tree and Sycamore tree on boundary with Privett Centre (see A12 & 11A on plan). Fell Sycamore tree on southern boundary (see S22A on plan).



Location: Angel Hotel Gosport Road Privett Alton Hampshire GU34 3NN

Proposal: 5 new dwellings with access, parking, drainage and landscaping following demolition of 18 bedroom accommodation block.





Location: 2 Barnet Side Cottage Petersfield Road Froxfield Petersfield Hampshire GU32 1BY

Proposal: First-floor extensions on side elevations with interior alterations.



Location: Pumping Station and Sewage Works Dellfield Froxfield Petersfield Hampshire

Proposal: Replacement of existing sewage treatment plant with a new packaged sewage treatment plant in new location. An upgrade to the existing sewage pumping station. Both items to include all associated drainage and electrical connections. A new bore hole will be created alongside the two pre-existing to receive the discharged treated effluent. The new STP will be located in a car parking area (ownership of Abri Group Ltd), segregated by a newly constructed brick walled compound. Additional vehicular access will be created to the carpark, which includes alterations to car park boundary walls and the adjacent pavement, which includes the installation of drop kerbs and tactile slabs from pedestrian crossing purposes. A transport / parking survey has been undertaken and the relevant findings are attached alongside this application. All redundant apparatus will be environmentally cleaned, decommissioned, demolished and waste removed from site to relevant legal disposal sites.



Location: Guiles Broad Way Froxfield Petersfield Hampshire GU32 1DQ.  Listed Building

Proposal: Change of use of outbuilding to allow for both self-contained tourist accommodation and as accommodation ancillary to the main dwelling.



Location: Alexanders Farmhouse Alexanders Lane Privett Alton Hampshire GU34 3PW

Proposal: Proposed two storey front and side extension, single storey extension to the rear following the demolition of the existing conservatory, single storey porch to the front and side, external plant room. PV array to roof, air source heat pump to replace oil boiler and tank. Full renovation internally and upgraded glazing and insulation standards throughout.

Location: Broadway Cottage King Lane Froxfield GU32 1DS
Proposal: New, 4 bedroom detached dwelling with detached garage following demolition of the existing dwelling. Revised application received November 8th 2023



Location: North Lodge Broadhanger King Lane Froxfield Petersfield Hampshire GU32 1DW

Proposal: Ground floor extension to rear and side, relocation of front entrance door and open porch, replacement timber frame casement windows, re-tile existing roof and hanging wall tiles including thermal upgrade with external wall insulation and painted brickwork, solar pv installation to roof and replacement garage and shed following demolition of existing garage and shed. Installation of air source heat pump on garage.



Location: Newmans Cottage Newmans Lane Froxfield Petersfield Hampshire GU32 1DQ

Proposal: T1 – Sycamore – Reduce South Facing limbs as to bring the trees crown away fromthe dwelling. Reduce by 2.5 meters to leave branch lengths of 6.5 meters.
T2 – Hawthorn – Fell – Tree has failed at the base, multi stemmed, and is overhanging neighbouring boundary. Fell for safety reasons.



Location: – Privett Station Sages Lane Privett Alton Hampshire GU34 3NP

Proposal: – Declining/dying Scots Pine (pinus sylvestris) – Remove the tree before it dies completely and poses a hazard. It was damaged by the drought in summer 2022 and has gradually been declining since then.

T2 – Hawthorn (cratageus monogyna) approximately 6 metres tall adjacent to the garage – Remove this tree to make way for an extension to the garage.


Location: Quin Hay Farm Petersfield Road Froxfield Petersfield Hampshire GU32 1BZ
Proposal: Temporary change of use of part of yard for the storage. Preparation and sale of tankers including the retention of a detached ancillary office and welfare building.
Location: Broadway Cottage King Lane Froxfield GU32 1DS
Proposal: New, 4 bedroom detached dwelling with detached garage following demolition of the existing dwelling.



Location: Broadway Cottage King Lane Froxfield

Proposal: New, 4 bedroom detached dwelling with detached garage following demolition of the existing dwelling.


Location: Woodside Manor Floud Lane Froxfield

Proposal:T22 – Sycamore – Reduce height to 6 meters in height. Tree is suppressed but has high bio diversity value within woodland. T28 – Ash – Reduce entire tree to leave a 8 meter trunk. Tree has Ash dieback but again has high bio diversity value within woodland


Location: Barrowpoint Warren Lane Froxfield

Proposal: Environmental Permit Application – EPR/LP3629SA – Barrowpoint

Location: 66 Staple Ash Lane Froxfield

Proposal: Removal of 3 x ASH trees marked on enclosed plan. 2 x hedgerow trees – remove to ground level. Garden tree – remove all crown leaving remaining trunk standing to a height of approximately 3 metres. Replant with 3 x field maple.


Location: The Old Vicarage Church Lane Privett

Proposal: T1 Cherry – Fell – remove to ground level and re plant another cherry away from the house, T2 Hazel – Coppice – Overstood stand of hazel to coppice


Location: Pipers Farm Soalwood Lane Froxfield

Proposal: Prior Approval for the Installation or Replacement of Solar Photovoltaics on roofs of non domestic Buildings – Installation of solar panels in the following locations at Pipers Honey Farm: South roof of the Tractor and Machinery Store, South roof of the Honey Building Extension and East and West roofs of the internal roof well of the Honey Building Extension



Location: Vinnells Broad Way Froxfield

Proposal: Detached Garage. Alterations to annex roof as well as internal alterations



Location: Vinnells Farm Broad Way Froxfield

Proposal: Application to determine if prior approval is required for an extension of a building for agricultural use.



Location: Pond Opposite Ivy House

Proposal:  Planning Inspectorate Appeal APP/Y9507/W/22/3304459



Location: Thatchers Farm Warren Lane

Proposal: Detached dwelling following demolition of existing dwelling with associated landscaping together with the consolidation of the existing scrap yard business with associated landscaping.



Location: Green Farm House Broad Way

Proposal: Zelkova Serrata – Height 5 metres and spread 5 metres, prune by 2 metres leaving finished height of 3 metres and spread 3 metres.



Location: Land And Farm Building South Of Gosport Road Privett Alton Hampshire GU34 3NX
Proposal: Siting of temporary agricultural worker’s dwelling for three years

Location: Paloma House Broad Way Froxfield Petersfield Hampshire GU32 1DW

Proposal: Ancillary treehouse within domestic garden space.

SDNP/22/04246/HOUS – SDNP/22/04247/LIS
Location: Trees Newcut Rapley Lane Froxfield Petersfield Hampshire GU32 1DNProposal: Widen existing single storey extension at ground floor to form a slightly wider room, first floor bedroom extension above the ground floor structure. Replace existing flat roofed boxed shaped porch with a timber framed structure with a traditional pitched roof and refurbish the existing detached annex without enlarging the external envelope and use of annex to be linked to the use of the main house and used a ‘granny annex’ and or home office.
Location: The Granary Claypit Lane Froxfield Petersfield Hampshire GU32 1DD
Proposal: Replacement of existing wooden framed window, doors and conservatory on south and east elevation with UPVC.


Location: Lambing Shed Soalwood Lane Froxfield Petersfield Hampshire GU32 1DP

Proposal:Retrospective application for external lighting


Location: Thatchers Farm Warren Lane Froxfield Petersfield Hampshire GU32 1BJ
Proposal: Detached dwelling following demolition of existing dwelling with associated landscaping together with the consolidation of the existing scrap yard business with associated landscaping.


Location:  Soal Pond Cottage, King Lane, GU32 1DW
Proposal: Outdoor swimming pool, hot tub and pool plant room


Location: 67 Venthams Farm Cottages
Proposal: Ash Tree Crown Reduction


Location: The Old Forge Alexanders Lane Privett Alton Hampshire GU34 3PW
Proposal: Listed building consent – Provision of conservation roof light to south east roof slope and
internal works to create opening to internal wall between the kitchen and the family room