In mid-2010 the Froxfield Parish Council asked if a team of volunteers could be formed to produce a Local Landscape Character Assessment (LLCA) for the parish of Froxfield. Twenty local residents came forward to carry out this task and the project was launched at a meeting of the team on 16th September 2010. Representatives of the Froxfield Parish Council, East Hampshire District Council (EHDC) and Hampshire County Council (HCC) attended the meeting. A request from HCC for Froxfield‟s process, together with this LLCA document to be included as part of their project to develop a new HCC toolkit for use by any Hampshire parish, was approved.
The Aim of the Froxfield Local Landscape Character Assessment
This document aims to provide a detailed record of the special qualities and distinctive landscape features which are important to our local people and to help decision-makers when they are considering changes affecting the landscape.