A new approach to speed control
The Parish Council has the opportunity to acquire an AutoSpeedWatch device through a grant from EHDC. AutoSpeedWatch operates without the need for a team of people at the roadside and therefore avoids the risk of accident or abuse. It is not an enforcement camera but collects the number plates of persistent offenders or those travelling particularly fast.
We’re looking for a team of people – who will remain anonymous, of course – to review the data collected by the device and verify the number plates using a browser. This will generate a prioritised list for police action and help inform the police where enforcement cameras can be located.
If you’re interested in helping with the review and verification of the data, please contact normanpitman@froxfieldandprivett.org.uk.
We think this is a very positive development and have identified three locations – the C18, Church Lane, Privett and High Cross Lane – for an initial trial if there are sufficient takers.
The next exciting development is AutoNoiseWatch!